corection of the second classtest

1. LISTENING Katrina`s photo album
1.When you travel on the ferry from Hoy to Mainland,
you can see a  huge rock called the Old Man of Hoy.

2.When Katrina arrives at Houton by ferry,
sha has to catch a bus to her school.

3.Some of the girls in Katrina`s class call her names 
because she comes from Hoy.

4.Katrina`s cousin understands her 
because she has the same problem in her class.

5.Kirwall is more interesting than Hoy
because there are some shops. 

2. LISTENING Katrina`s grandfather sends an e-mail
7.They write the e-mail on his expensive PC. _ _ _ _ _ WRONG

5.READING The project week

activity 1
total coast: 18


16.GRAMAR A helpful person

7. I will buy your  mom`s present.
8.I will open the door.

18. GRAMAR If i was a film star,...

1.If I was a film star, I would get a dog.
2.If I lived in London,I would  see all the sightseeing tours.
3.My parents would buy me a new bike if I would make all my homework.
4.If I meet my hero,I would take his autograph.
5.I would read the new Harry Potter book if I would read all the others books.
6.My friend would give me a present if I would be better with him.    

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